Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bubble Pop Electric


So please bear with me as this is my first ever blog post, and I'm not sure what to write. So Ray aka my bestie has finally told me that she has a blog, I’ve decided to do a guest post for her while she has left me for a week in the sun. Now as she has kept this on the sly for so long, I know she has mentioned me before on the blog as the “bestie”, but now I can be set loose on here for some guest posts.

Now my twin brother is obsessed with Vivienne Westwood, and his obsession has rubbed off onto me. Ever since I have spied her Melissa shoes in VW store in Newcastle I have needed a pair of them in my life.


These are the ones which I desperately need- come payday they will be mine. Whats not to love about them!! Plus they smell of bubblegum!! Like all Melissa shoes they are made from pvc with the adjustable strap on the back. Normally my shoes for a night out have massive heels however I think I can compromise by wearing these. Also I may have to borrow a certain someone's VW dress to wear with them...


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