Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Party in the USA

I blame Laura for making me have bloody Miley Cirus song stuck in my head, as she has basically unearthed my singing career on youtube. Realised I haven't done an outfit out the day in ages, so I thought I would share this picture which Kayleigh took of me upstairs in Buddha on the "catwalk" as we call it (for some reason you can't help but strut down it to the loos) on the bloggers meet up.

Black Lace Insert Slip Dress- Topshop
Leather Jacket- New Look
Chanel XL Jumbo (hidden behind me)
Leopard Print Courts- New Look
Watch- Asos

You can see the colour of my hair, however I think I want it more red. I also really need to learn how to style my hair more on a night out, as all what I end up doing is curling it, for it to go gash as soon as I step foot into the first bar. Must watch some FoxyLocksExtension tutorials on Youtube when I get the chance.

Anyway onto my singing career- being bored on a night, I decided to record myself singing some songs, I'm wearing my glasses as I couldn't be bothered to put my contacts in. To get the full effect of my singing abilities crank up the speakers on your comp.

I'm going to audition for the X Factor xxx

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