Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The X Factor Frocky Horror Show- Week 8

Ooooooo two performances from each contestant this week- double the amount of outfits. Yet another so so week singing wise, must say Nicole stole the show on Sunday didn't she. Energetic dance routine and singing live- someone should have been taking notes *cough* Cheryl.

Anyway lets not waste time, lets dive straight in, and I need to make up for last weeks lack lustre post.

1. Mary.
Now I think my eyes may be decieving me, but was Mary wearing colour (shock horror) on the show on Sunday?? Its only taken 8 weeks. I'm sorry but that jacket looks like a dodgy dad leather jacket. Shame she couldn't have teamed the hareems with the sequinned top instead. Funny how she didn't bother saying bye to old Wagner and walked off the stage. Don't mess with the Mary. Think she'll be off home this week though.

2. Matt.
You would think that by banging the stylist on this show, she would give him first dibs of the best outfits to wear. Or has he given her the silent treatment after their night of passion and she's getting her revenge by dressing him in naff 80s outfits??? First up it seems he's grown a guitar as an arm, and then to appeal to the viewers to get more votes he's donned some Diva Fever esq chinos (you will never rock a chino like the divas). Second outfit, suade blazer with a nice navy leopard print shirt.... mmmm lush not. You can see how embarrassed he is- stick your thumb up if you look like a muppet. Just think when you win the competition, ditch the stylist and get a new one.

3. Whats her name, you know that lass who was on X Factor??
Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha hit the road jack and don't cha come back no more no more. Good riddance. Katie "hissy fit/drama queen" Weasel avalible for bookings... or is that her Gran. I'm joking...if you read this weeks New Magazine her gran has disowned her. Shouldn't it not be the other way around??

4. Cher.
Hewww laaaaaaaa, who yer starin at like hew, you startin like. I proper wannabe that Chezza Cole like hew, she is geet lush like. Yer like me trakkie, nicked it off me gran like, lend iz 10p like hew yer stingy twat. Hew will ya gan into th shop for iz and get iz 20 richmond superkings like hew. I'm off me tits laaa. Gan on, didn't start on me like, i'll kick ya head in.

Translation- I think stylist was under the influence of something when she chose my outfits.

5. One Direction.

6. Wagner.
Now Wagner does know that he's been eliminated from the competition doesn't he?? Cause I think on Sunday he thought he had won. Bet Pat Butcher is breathing a sigh of relief as she can now get first dibs on the tacky earrings. Second outfit, he's actually come from his other job, as a bouncer. Bye bye Wagner.

7. Rebecca.
Totally made up for last weeks red romper suit nightmare. Can't fault the leopard print- maybe the dress could have been shorter, and the Gareth Pugh dress- bootiful. However the Croyden facelift ponytail is wearing thin on me now (and probably your hair soon)- do something different please.

So two more weeks left to go, what disasters will be on show next week?? Who'll be going- Cher or Mary?? xxx

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