Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The X Factor Frocky Horror Show- Week 5

...or should that be the "Katie Weasel Show"??

What on earth was going on with the clothes on the show this week?? Shall we dive right in??

1. Cher.

Are you wearing cross stitch trousers?? Does someone have a needle and thread and we can do a spot of sewing?? Kudos to the make up artists- her eyebrows have magically grown back :)

2. Mary.

Nice to see Mary out of the usual black and step into Navy, it may seem like a small step, but its a massive improvement. Did she deserve to be in the bottom 3- nope.

3. Rebecca.

One word- STUNNING!! I am in love with this sequinned Kate Moss for Topshop dress- it suits her so well. Her performance was unbelievable too. You've definately gotten yourself a recording contract, and a well deserved one too.  Her singing was brilliant.

4. Wagner.

Go back to Brazil you slimey man. Ladies- never ever trust a man with beady eyes!!!

5. Treyc.

Treyc has the ability to remember her song words- unlike other people we could mention. Did she deserve to go? Nope not at all. I don't think the dress is very flattering on her bottom half. I don't know if its the material or not, but something doesn't look right about it. Love the berry lip on her.

6. Matt.

Matt is a bit of a toughie for me this week- his performance was brilliant, and its safe to say that he has won the competition. However what on earth was going on with his outfit? Mustard chinos and a blue top which reminds me of something what a Geography teacher would wear. Simply horrible.

7. The spoiled brat.

Where do I begin with her?? Seriously how can you have the cheek to say "sod it" half way through a performance, sit on the floor and then start to stamp your fists because you were in the bottom two. Imagine how many singers at home were sat watching wishing they had the chance to sing in front of millions of people. Inconsiderate brat. So remember if things don't go your way throw a "Katie".Seriously I hope she goes next week. One positive is that she has finally gotten her roots done.

What's your thoughts on Treyc-gate?? Did she deserve to go?? xxx

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