Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Barry M Nail Effects

Hurrah- my net is playing nicely and I'm finally getting over this stupid bug (AGAIN- blood test on Thursday though- boooo) I can return to posting.And I have loads to catch up on. The X Factor post as my Tweet peeps asked for will be coming tomorrow with my comments. Anyway when my wireless decided to crash on saturday night I was on writing this post... so where did I leave off...

As nail art is currently a massive trend, Barry M have finally jumped on the bandwagon and realised their Nail Effects. I initally saw this on Laura's blog and had to have it.

I finally managed to find some in Boots on Thursday, and priced at £3.95 it a pound more than the normal polish- not bad.

Now a couple of warnings- when you're painting your nails have a window open as this polish stinks. Honestly inhale this and you will be high (and that is wrong). Also don't make the mistake which I did and try it over Model's Own Nude Beige as everyone in my office thought I had just painted my nails black and chipped the polish off.

So this is my lovely artwork before (I was far to excited to play)

MO Fuzzy Peach, BM Berry Ice Cream, MO Top Turquoise, BM Flamingo Pink, BM Mint Green, MO Raspberry Crush, MO Misty Grey, BM Cyan Blue, MO Sophie's Pink, MO Beth's Blue.

And here's one I made earlier...

I am pretty impressed with this I have to admit- really liking the misty grey, beth's blue and top turqoise. Not so keen on the pinks with this.

Anyway are you all loving the effects of the man himself Barry M??

Remember the giveaway is still open- see link in side bar xxx

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