Thursday, September 30, 2010

What was supposed to be 100 followers giveaway... CLOSED

.......but I got too excited and wanted to do it now.

Just a little something which me and JEM have put together to say a MASSIVE thank you to each and every one of you who read the blog/follow/comment. It means a lot that people are actually interested in what I have to ramble on about, and what I waste my money on.

As you can see its a bit of a random mish mash of things- there's some spray and mousse fake tan, body butter, models own polish (utopia), mascara, blusher, eyeshadow, mother pucker lip gloss, lip balm, glass nail file, ring from toppers, mini hairbrush, No7 limited edition eyeshadow quad, elf eyeliner (not pictured) and some other bits and bobs for you.


1. You must be a follower of my blog (I will be checking).
2. Leave a comment below saying "enter me because I am fabulous" and what you want to see on here.
3. For a one extra entry- give a shout out on twitter (@whoissheblog) about the comp/blog
4. For another extra entry- paste the top photo into your sidebar of your blog.
5. For another entry- do a blog post on the giveaway.
6. If you do all 4 I will give you another entry (5 entrys max)
Oh and mention in the comments as to what you have done :)

Competition will close at midnight on 29th October.

Good Luck and Big Love xxxx

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