Saturday, September 25, 2010


Models Own Gun Metal Grey.

Darling hubby bought me some nail polishes a few weeks ago, one of them was this gun grey colour (yes, he is very well trained.  One day if you ask me very nicely I might share how I do it…) and it's quickly becoming one of my favourite colours ever to wear.

I'm not a fan of plain black nails, even though mine are now getting very long and can handle the dark colour, I've just never been one for the goth-shades and prefer my pinkies painted in pastel hues mostly.  However, this is a far cry from your basic black.  I don't know if you can see it in the photos properly, but it's a shimmery, charcoal/silver shade which catches the light brilliantly and sparkles prettily in the sunshine (not that we ever get that much of it oop norfff)

Typical, brilliant, MO coverage - two coats will do, three is completely unecessary.  I'm wearing it here with Model's Own 3-in-one base, top coat and gloss polish - however I normally prefer a Nails Inc. base coat as it goes on a bit thinner (do love the topcoat tho).
In short:  gorgeous colour, a deviation from my normal diet of pinks and pastels but definitely worth it for a bit extra va-va-voom on a night out - and if you are a fan of dark polish, this makes a lovely change from black.

Hope you're having a fab weekend- love JEM xxx

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