Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Its what I go to work for.....

... PAYDAY... woop woop.

Can you tell that I am ever so excited that its my payday today?? haha. Shopping mission to Newcastle on Saturday to abuse the MAC counter in Fenwicks... I say I won't be buying any clothes.... but we all know I'll end up buying anything.

A friend said to me today that when I pick something up I like, I need to ask myself- "Do I really need this??"... whats the point of this when the answer is always going to be "YES, YES, YES".

Anyway I'm off to Manchester later on in the month for a friends birthday who lives down there, and I'm secretly glad I get to do a spot of shopping in Selfridges....

I want a Hermes cuff. Here are my personal favs...

First three pics are all from Hermes.com and the last one is a vintage piece I found on ebay. I have a similar belt to the vintage cuff from Primark- random fact there for you.

Love how these cuffs can add a bit of rock to the simpliest of outfits and how they can be dressed up or down. Prices start from £300.

Better get saving then I suppose xxx

Follow me on Twitter @whoissheblog

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