Thursday, October 13, 2011

NYC protesters clean up camp, prepare to resist

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NEW YORK  — Occupy Wall Street protesters have been cleaning their park encampment into the night after hearing that park owners want them to clear out Friday morning so they can scrub the place down.

Protesters suspect the scheduled cleanup is an attempt to evict them from Manhattan's Zuccotti Park where they have waged a nearly monthlong protest against corporate greed.

Many have vowed to resist leaving, and some trained in civil disobedience Thursday night. They practiced linking arms and sitting down.

Members of the protesters' sanitation working group passed out 30-gallon (113-liter) bins for people to organize their belongings. Jordan McCarthy, a 22-year-old member of the group says she won't be sleeping at all.

The park owners said the protesters can return after the cleanup but won't be able to camp there.

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