Monday, August 8, 2011

tisha b av | Tisha B'Av marked by mass Western Wall prayer

The talk will be on the topic of Tisha B'Av, entitled, “The Power of Tisha B'Av: An Analysis of Kinot (the kinot are the memorial dirges recited on Tisha B'Av) 11, 21 and 23.” A video of the presentation can be watched on at

This has resulted in the two congregations jointly observing Tisha B'Av at Beth Am on Monday evening, Aug. 8, at 8 pm The service will be conducted by Rabbi Hillel Skolnik of SOJC and by Rabbi Rick Sherwin of Beth Am. Cantor Doug Ramsay of SOJC will

The talk will be on the topic of Tisha B'Av, entitled, “The Power of Tisha B'Av: An Analysis of Kinot (the kinot are the memorial dirges recited on Tisha B'Av) 11, 21 and 23.” A video of the presentation can be watched on at

BY Rabbi Yaakov Spivak The Israel Defense Forces reported that the Israeli aircraft attacked a terror activity site in northern Gaza and a smuggling tunnel in southern Gaza. In addition to the injury to the Hof Ashkelon resident, many other Israelis

On Tisha b'Av, as in most cases in Judaism, there is a duality going on: We are to experience the sadness of Tisha b'Av, yet also realize the unique opportunity it brings us. By Rabbi Eliyahu Yaakov, August 07, 2011 Author's Note: Rabbi Eli will be

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