Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Somewhere Over The Taupe...

I think I may have found my go-to polish for A/W- Opi Over the Taupe. I bought this for Holly's Hen Do pt2 from ebay for £5 including p+p. Now for some reason I wanted a nail polish to kinda be a similiar colour to Mac Satin Taupe, however its not as purple based (if that makes sense), however regardless I am in love.

Now it needs to be noted that unlike most other Opi polishes this is very watery, and takes at least a good 2-3 coats to get a good finish. I won't lie I was initally disapointed when I initally put the first coat on, however after the second coat, all doubt had gone. I'll also warn you that regardless of how hard you try, the polish is going to dry (on the first coat) very streaky and uneven, however when you let the second coat to dry it evens itself out.

This colour reminds me of a darker version of Barry M Mushroom, but unlike Barry M, Over the Taupe lasted me a good 4 days without chipping (and thats without wearing a top coat). I also think this is the type of colour which looks fab on a night out, but its also work appropriate. Thanks to Laura I get my Opi polishes from the seller Beautyzone2007 on ebay. Way cheaper than over here and it only takes a week for delivery. You can also get Essie and China Glaze polishes from this seller too.

Over the Taupe?? Yey or Ney??

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