Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Your face, my place??

As you all know I hate/can't/will not/look terrible on face of the day posts. I have done it once and once only here and I don't think I'll be doing it again (I may do one of my mac application).
I love reading fotd posts on all your blogs, as its a fab way to see how products work on different skin tones, and the diffences in how you use/apply products. However I was thinking of a way to showcase different looks on here..

Thats where you come in.

I was wondering if any of you want to post a typical face of the day on here?

It could be your normal daytime look or a night time, or something totally out of your comfort zone. If you are interested in doing this, leave a comment below with your email address and I'll email you asap.

*The title of this post is from Air Traffic's song Charlotte- use it as a chat up line on a night out- I dare you*

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