Sunday, July 31, 2011

Friendship Day 2011 | Friendship Day sms images and song

Friendship Day 2011
August is remembered for the most incredible relationship - Friendship. Friendship day is celebrated on every first Sunday of the August month. Your friends are he most important people in your life. You surely don't want to loose them.

This memorable day is observed to dedicate one day in the year for friendship. The United States Congress proclaimed the first Sunday as national friendship day. It is a tradition to exchange friendship bands on this lovely day. The tradition began in US in 1935.

Celebrate Friendship day

On Friendship day you might be exchanging flowers, cards and gifts with your loved ones. Friendship is the most ancient and basic form of any human bond. This has no age, caste and language bar. You can be friends with anybody. The relationship is pious and is above all the other relations. You show your love and care to the other person in different ways and this is the true celebration of your bond.

Expressing your love and concern for your loved ones are the part of celebrations. You have myriad ways to show your feelings. Loyalty, care, love, bond, trust, support, compassion, anger and intimacy - these are some of the emotions you would be experiencing in friendship. But, isn't' it true that only because of these emotions and expression you are able to built a strong and healthy relationship with your friend. Each and every moment spent with your friend is unforgettable.

Friendship Day Party

You can party with your friends anytime but, how is this celebration different from the usual ones. You have to think of the unique ways to make the party exciting and memorable.

Plan a special invitation for all your friends. You make the invitation at home or can order it. You can plan for custom invitations and make it unique by having unique for each friend. This you can do by thinking of a theme. Cartoons, movie characters or animals - you can keep anything as your theme for invitations. Create the cards accordingly and distribute it to all your friends for the party.

Do not forget to click pictures of all your friends. This is something very important. Keep your camera ready and get group picture after the and before the party. You can get click of individual pictures for your friendship journals.

Plan for a day out like - picnic, camping or sports activity. This is an amazing way of spending time together and you can also enjoy sight seeing.

Have some music and games segments for the friendship day party ideas. You can arrange for some musical programs and games for entertainment and more participation.

Arrange of some gifts and take homes after the party is over. It can be a collection of sweets, hampers, cookies, pictures and friendship bands. Make your day very special by friendship day gifts.

Friendship quotes

Add personal notes and quotations for every friend and give to him/her. This will make them feel special and close to you. You can pick some sayings and quotes contributed by great writers and authors on friendship day.

"Two may talk together under the same roof for many years, yet never really meet; and two others at first speech are old friends."
Mary Catherwood

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival. "
C. S. Lewis

"Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success."
- Oscar Wilde

Friendship Day sms
• Our Friendship has no Limit like this Sky
Happy Friendship Day

• You have filled with my world life
Thanks you Friends
Happy Friendship Day

• We are meant to be together and
always be near through the
good times and bad one
Happy Friendship Day

• I count myself
so very Lucky
for having you in My Life
Friendship is Precious Relation

• Whereever you are I always there for you
Happy Friendship Day

• Life may changes
Time may changes
but our friendship
remains the same always
Happy Friendship Day

• A friend
is ALWAYS by your
side, to COMFORT
and GUIDE and bring
untold joys to LIFE

• Friendship is a silent gift of nature..
More old .. more strong..
More deep.. more clear..
More close.. more warm..
Less words.. more understanding

• A Friend is a Hand Holding yours,
no matter how close or far apart you may be...

Friendship Day images

Friendship Day 2011 | Friendship Day sms  images and song

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