Thursday, June 2, 2011

tito ortiz | The Naked Picture of Tito Ortiz That You Probably Never Wanted to See | Tito Ortiz – Naked Picture on Twitter

Tito Ortiz – Naked Picture on Twitter

Tito Ortiz is naked. Warning, once you see it, it can not be unseen. Just ask Kid Nate. I'm pretty sure I left him curled in the fetal position, sucking his thumb once I showed him what I am about to share with you. Oh, Tito. When will people learn that taking nudie photos of themselves on their phone is never a good idea? Tito says that someone hacked his phone. I say why are you taking naked pictures of yourself on a device that has internet connection?
You may ask if I'm being too generous with the black box. I say to you, "No, I'm not." What bothers me the most about this is that I was intrigued. To put it bluntly, there's quite a bit to be intrigued by. I now know what Jenna Jameson saw in him. Do I even have to warn you that this link is NSFW?
Don't worry, boys. I'm sure he's just a shower, not a grower. Plus, there's the whole shaving your pubes to add the visible inch thing going on too. Damn you, Tito! I know that this is going to sneak into my dreams somehow

tito ortiz | The Naked Picture of Tito Ortiz That You Probably Never Wanted to See | Tito Ortiz – Naked Picture on Twitter

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