Monday, June 13, 2011

Spending Ban Update- Week 2

Hmmm, this spending ban still sucks. I was getting excited at the thought that I have two weeks left until I can shop shop shop again, however.... realising that as I have a 1001 other things coming up in the next few months to fork out for and a new iphone5, the spending ban (or cutbacks as its now known as) is going to be a continious thing.

Image via google

So on last weeks post, I may have mentioned that I ordered two new dresses from Love. It appears Love dresses on tall people like me are actually tops. Now we all know I like my dresses short, however those didn't even cover my backside. Good for the bank balance. However come autumn I do want one of the dresses/tops to wear with my wet look leggings. I bought two mac lippies from Adele's blog sale for £14 and some more bits and bobs for BabyJEM.

The only other expenditures this week has been £30 on a night out, petrol, my two weekly magazines (Look and New- I can't give my fashion fixes up) and I think thats it. I've been trying to find Glamour magazine however out of the 12 shops I've been too, I still can't find a copy. I'm off to Tesco tonight- fingers crossed its there, really want high beam and posietint. Am I the only one who can't find a copy of Glamour??

This week I'm back on the diet, there's a packet of bourbon's having my life on the table but I resisting temptation!! Other news is I shouldn't be spending any money on clothes and its Kings of Leon on Friday with Stephy and Michelle and then Kayleigh's birthday night out on Saturday (Zara dress will be making an appearance). So hopefully money spending will be kept to a minimum.

Massive thank you to everyone who commented on the post below especially Holly who found where Brooke's dress was from. I will be buying that soon, just need to find out where Sacha's dress is from- been through most of the high street stores and nothing :(

I've still got items for sale in my blogsale, have a look here.

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