Monday, June 6, 2011

Spending Ban Update- Week 1/FAIL

Shopping bans SUCK!!!

Image via google

Sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky sucky!!!

Lets have a recap of spending this week... nights out aren't included on this spending ban as I normally don't spend more than £35 on a night out (bar Saturday just gone).

In the last post about this I said I wanted a top/skirt from Topshop and Zara- total cost would be £75. However instead I embraced the colour blocking trend and brought a lime green tee and a purple skirt from Zara for the bargainicious price of £45.

The dress I wanted from Zara looked horrible on- saved another £40 there.

Apart from that the only other money which has been spent was tea with Holly on Wednesday (we had a voucher so it was cheap as chips) and post-drinking lunch with Ellie yesterday for a tenner (got to love the lunchtime menu at Fat Buddha).

However... I have just caved and bought some Mac lippys from Adele's blog sale (she has loads of Mac lippies for sale, go have a look).

Oh also managed to spend a small fortune on Lilypops yesterday in Tesco- I have a feeling that she is going to be bankrupting me in the near future....

I will be good this week- promise!!!

Ok I hold my hands up I may have just ordered a dress from Love for Saturday night- I am terrible I know.

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