Saturday, June 11, 2011

kendo | Japanese Martial Art, Kendo

kendo | Japanese Martial Art, Kendo

Kendo, meaning “the way of the sword” can trace its roots all the way back to the middle ages and is often associated with the legendary Samurai warriors. As modern times approached, the Samurai class declined, however, Kendo’s principles made its way into law enforcement and, eventually, into a highly enjoyable sport.
Today, Kendo training makes use of protective equipment and a shinai (bamboo sword) which allows practioners to strike with force. This definately adds a realistic element yet keeps safety in mind.
Like karate, kendo also makes use of kata, however, unlike karate, it is typically done with two people to demonstrate attacks and defenses.

Demonstration of the japanese swordmanship. Contains some basic stances and techniques of the Mizoguchi-ha Itto Ryu, paired kata of the Ryu and a demo Kendo match with bogu and shinais. Taken from the unknown older documentary narrated by by Mr. Terry O’Neill, known person. Hopefully no one would mind I put this here.

kendo | Japanese Martial Art, Kendo

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