Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jadda Jadda Jadda- May Favourites

Apologies as this is REALLY late, honestly at the moment I'm having no concept of time- I can't believe its nearly mid June already. I have a 1001 posts to do, however like the spanner which I am, I'm either forgetting my camera wire or totally forgetting I have posts to do. Seriously if any of you have a wet kipper slap me now please.

I've also decided to mix my favourites up starting from May and include a product/products which I am not liking that month. This could be products which I have favoured before.. you never know.

So the long overdue May favourites are...

Sleek Storm Palette.
This is my go to palette for work- I'm not wasting my Mac eyeshadows for work. For some reason this month I am in one of those moods to try and use up as many products which I can, where I can before buying new stuff. A bit like a project 10 pan, just without the commitment. You can't knock Sleek for their pigmentation and value for money, however for some reason, I just stick to the same colours in this palette. I always wear my glasses to work as my contacts normally start playing up mid morning if I'm at a computer all day, so I never wear much colour on my eyes.
Top row- third along (I always use this as a base), and then it varies between the first and second shadows.
Bottom row- first brown, and then if I am feeling adventurous, I will use the fifth colour to lightly shade in my eyebrows.

He-shi dark foaming mousse- I did a review of this product here. Been comparing prices of this online, as the bottle I have is nearly used up.
Elf brush shampoo- I'm now in the routine of cleaning all of my make up brushes weekly, and since I used my Mac brush cleaner, I decided to buy a cheaper alternative. I don't know if this is antibacterial, however it does the job. Tip if you use the mac brush cleaner don't bin the empty bottle, it still classes as one of your back2macs.
Marc Jacobs Daisy- still trying to use this up, I think its refusing to go down. This is my work perfume as its quite light, and not strong enough for a night out. I don't think I would repurchase this.
Shea Body Butter- free with last month's Marie Claire. I only bought the magazine for this, as I use this to moisturise my knees/ankles/elbows/knuckles before fake tanning. My last tub of this lasted just over a year- excellent value for money.

Models Own Top Turquoise- loving being able to wear bright colours of my nails now that the extensions have been taken off. I wore this colour for Take That and had loads of compliments in the queue about it. This is one of the verstalie colours which look fab on your toe nails or your finger nails. One coat of this polish is enough for even coverage. One of my all time favourite nail polishes.
17 Wild Curls Mascara- I bought this for Tenerife, and have only recently started using this again. I normally wear this for work, and then really apply a 1001 coats for a night out. Works really well with max factor false effects mascara.
Mac lipglass in Florabundance- my all time favourite/HG Mac lipgloss. I think this is my 4th tube of the stuff, I love it that much. For the last year or so I've been neglecting my lipglosses for lipsticks, however this over the top of Mac Shy Girl is my now go to colour combination for a night out.
Mac 217se brush- After the incident of loosing my 219 brush in the loos in Budda (still gutted about it to this day), Stephy kindly bought me a brush set as part of my Xmas present two years ago to use on nights out. I think out of the set, this is my go to brush when doing my eye make up- but I still won't take these on a night out.
Collection 2000 blush in 02 bashful- I've had this for years although its been neglected for other blushes. I'm now on a mission to get it used up and its gone down quite quickly in the last week or so. This is the perfect "my cheeks but better" colour and can easily be built up. I would actually re-purchase this again.

Product which I'm not loving this month...

Umberto Giannini- Hold Me Curl Hairspray.
Don't waste your money on this product. It does nothing for my curls on a night out, bar making my hair go really sticky. Smells nice, but it does nothing for you hair.

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