Saturday, June 4, 2011

India ho for Lady Gaga

Lady GaGa thinks her Born This Way album is only worth 99cents

We had no idea Lady GaGa was so modest, the eccentric singer thinks her chart-topping new album Born This Way is only worth spending 99cents on.
Ok, we’re ever so slightly taking her quotes out of context here, but only just a teeny tiny bit.
As you might be aware, GaGa’s album was sold on for just 99cents (that’s less than £1) during the first day of its release to help promote the website’s new Cloud Drive service. Demand for the album was so high the site crashed and the special offer was extended for an extra day. The Wall Street Journal has now asked the pop icon if she thinsk her music was worth more than a dollar, and she amazingly doesn’t think that it is;
“No. I absolutely do not, especially for MP3s and digital music. It's invisible. It's in space. If anything, I applaud a company like Amazon for equating the value of digital versus the physical copy, and giving the opportunity to everyone to buy music. It also wasn't really 99 cents, because Amazon paid the difference on all of those purchases as part of their promotional campaign for one of their new services. I think it's amazing and it was a really nice surprise and I felt honored that they chose my record to be part of it.
“I don't know if other artists or other companies would want to adopt the same model. Everyone always has the opportunity to sell their music at any price they want to. This sort of happened this way and it's very exciting."
So what do you think about what GaGa has to say? Do you think more albums should be sold at rock bottom prices, or do artists deserve to be paid well for their music? In this instance neither GaGa or her record company lost out financially, as Amazon made up the difference - a bill that has been estimated at $3.2million!

India ho for Lady Gaga

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