Friday, June 24, 2011

Blog Stalker #13

Can't believe that I'm onto week 13 with these. Nothing much to report from my end this week- finally getting over the dreaded man flu and looking forward to a good blog reading/commenting session this weekend. Also need to take pictures of the upcoming posts I have planned for you all.

This weeks Blog Stalker has a slight twist...

I've recently come accross Em's blog, and due to her feature on promoting new/exisiting bloggers I've found a whole load of new blogs to read. Really enjoy her face of the day and outfit posts. Her blog is a mix of absolutely everything, and there is something for everyone. Definately a fab read. Go check it out asap!!

Everyone loves a bit of Charli. You will probably know her best from Twitter (@charli008). Fab girl, with a fab blog, and she's been bitten by that dangerous penny pinching bug... the MAC bug haha. Really love reading her haul posts and her reviews. Check out her latest post where she's met some new furry friends. Deffo go get following.

Yes now I know its not a blog.. however my good friend Charli has set up her own shop, and it deserves a massive shout out. Everytime one of Charli's posts pop up in my google reader, I always have to go and read, and then the bad influence which she is- has now made me want to buy all of her rings!! Roll on next Friday when the spending ban is well and truely over so I can treat myself to this ring. Go check out her shop and also her blog

Have a fab weekend peeps- this time next week I'll be on Holly's hen do (more details of that to come next week) xxx

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