Wednesday, May 11, 2011

JEMs new love- Barry M Effects

Also known as 'The polish that's so exciting it can lead to unnecessary wetting oneself in Superdrug'.

Well, I've been ridiculously excited about nail varnish again this week.  Bear with me, it's been a slow news week... Went into town with Ray a week ago and picked up two new polishes, Barry M Instant Effects in pink and blue.  I've loved using the black one since it came out and my joy knew no bounds when I found it in different colours (and yes I'm going back for the silver models own and white barry m ones shortly)

Here's what I've managed this week:

Barry M turquoise (base) with nail effects in pink over the top, and Model's Own white with the blue nail effects.  I may never leave the house again.  I might just stay here painting my nails different colours until the baby is born... it's kept me well amused.
I've discovered that you get a different effect by how thick you paint the stuff on also.  For a chunky effect crackle, put it on thick and for a finer 'bark like' texture, paint a thinner layer on.  Going to go see how many different combinations I can get out now :)

Might be my last guest post for a wee while as am planning a maternity hiatus from nail varnish (I hear that babies tend to cry a lot more when you've got wet nails and can't do anything about it) but will still be hopefully finding time to keep up with all your posts!

Much love,

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