Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hey Shorty- you look familiar

So after the shambles that was the curse of Friday 13th and blogger being one hell of a bugger yesterday and deleting this post which was initally posted on Thursday. In a nutshell,I'll summarise the main points from that post (haha how professional do I sound)-

Basically as JEM is ready to pop babyJEM out anyday now, I'm taking a leaf out of her book and talking a week or so break from blogging. Plus work and other things need to take priority for the immediate future. I've got 1001 ideas for new posts, but at the moment I don't have the time to write them up. Don't fret I'll still be reading all your posts and commenting where I can.

So the main point of Thursday's post was shorts... as you all know that I'm a giant, for some reason the only shorts on the high street which fit me decently and don't give me the dreaded camel toe (sorry to lower the tone) are from Topshop. Seriously Topshop is killing me, as if I don't need another excuse to spend more money in there. After buying my leather shorts (aka Lederhosen) from there, I'm starting to lean more towards wanting to wear shorts for nights out instead of dresses.
All shorts from

I've actually been to Topshop in Newcastle today to see if any of these shorts were in stock, however the one pair I wanted (blue pair, top row) was out of stock. However the Newcastle store did have the rest of the shorts in. Remember coloured shorts and a vest is a sure fire way to try the colour blocking trend.

I may be popping up here and there over the next few weeks, and I've pre-planned a special "whats haute and whats not- summer holiday special" which me and JEM wrote a few weeks ago. I'll also keep you updated when JEM goes into labour too.

In the mean time if you want a chat, catch me on twitter (@whoissheblog) and get me added on liveprofile (LPOLEMGG).

TTFN xxx

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