Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Snap, Crackle and Pop

Yes I have found my nail polish mojo again..

I'm loving Barry M Mushroom with their Nail Effects on top - quite a cute effect.  I still think these crackle-effect glazes are fantastic fun, and am now uber-excited as MO are making a full coloured range called 'Smash-Ups'. 

Expect lots of excited posts and tweeting when I get my mitts on these beauties - quite co-incidentally, the launch of the range at the end of April has collided nicely with the start of my maternity leave (6 and a bit weeks left of work!!) so I imagine there will be a bored JEM blobbing about the place and eating chocolate and trying all 9 of these shades out.  

And at £6 a go, I may have to collect them all (well except the Turquoise, as I know Ray wants this- I'll borrow hers).

Smash up polishes in black and silver will be avaliable in Boots from April 20th and all colours will be avaliable from the Models Own website from April.


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