Saturday, April 2, 2011

ncaa final four | NCAA Final Four Preview | NCAA Final Four Open Thread | NCAA Final Four Live Blog!

NCAA Final Four Open Thread

NCAA Final Four 2011 Final Four on Saturday night, many people are viewing that game as the unofficial national championship game.
That is, at least the most ignorant people believe that to be the truth.
three games left in the college basketball season (who knows if one of those CBI knockoffs is still going -- if only there were some way to figure that out. Oh well.), and two of them are tonight. Here they are, with my rooting interests in bold.
GAME THE FIRST: (8) Butler vs. (11) VCU -- If only there were a way both teams could win this game. I'm throwing my support behind VCU for three reasons: I love how the Rams rock the gold and black, Shaka Smart is one heckuva name, and watching Butler in a Final Four game is going to give me sad flashbacks to last year.
GAME THE SECOND: (4) Kentucky vs. (3) Connecticut -- If only there were a way both teams could lose this game. I can't see myself rooting for either team in this game; I do not give a rat's patoot who wins. I've got nothing positive to say here, so I might as well keep my mouth shut.
Enjoy the games everyone.
Butler vs. Virginia Commonwealth
3:09 PM, CBS
Kentucky vs. Connecticut
5:49 PM, CBS
College basketball is winding down. The first game today will determine which team you will root for in the final. The second game will be a matchup that is likely to be vacated within a year or two.
I'll be doing yard work and watching the Mariners game, but since I know most of you don't do baseball and will be watching this instead, here is your open thread.

ncaa final four | NCAA Final Four Preview | NCAA Final Four Open Thread | NCAA Final Four Live Blog!
ncaa final four schedule

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