Saturday, April 2, 2011

Blog Stalker #5

Well the joys of leaving 28 degree heat and coming back to the freezing cold UK has given me the flu- typical considering I wanted to go out this weekend and flash the old tan off before it all totally peels for good, but instead I'm in bed feeling sorry for myself. Apolgies for being a bad blogger this week, however I am suffering from the post holiday blues. Blogging will resume as normal- lots of holiday related posts for you.

A day later than normal but its Blog Stalker time... 

My fellow Durhamer Adele... it just shows how small the blogging community actually is- Adele went to the same comprehensive school as me and she knows my brother. One of my favourite drinking partners down good old Dirrrrrrty Duzza (the place where dreams are made), and I'm gutted I'mnot out tonight as she's out. Love Adele's blog and her unhealthy obsession with Mac and her hair extensions (just like me). She's as fab in person as she is on her blog and bloody stunning- get following her.

I don't actually think Nicoletta needs any introduction on here, as I bet you all follow her fab blog. Love how even though her blog is predominately beauty related- she also shares aspcts of her daily life with us all. Her boys are adorable!! I especially love reading her reviews- as she thoroughly reviews the products in question. Always value her opinions on products, and I know JEM is a massive fan of her blog too.

A relatively new blog which I have come across, but this is becoming one of my new favourites. Love her weekly Friday Feature of what you would do with £1000 (I'm still trying to figure my entry out). One thing which I admire about Jules is her fabulous "retro" dress sense- wish I could pull her dress sense off. You should all definately check out and follow Jules's blog- you won't be disapointed.

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