Friday, March 4, 2011

Blog Stalker #2

Its been a funny old week- on one hand its dragged, and then it kinda feels like its flown over. Regardless its practically the weekend, and that involves getting my hair done, and partying it up tonight and tomorrow. I'm currently half covered in Xen tan and the other half is covered in St Tropez (long story- but it involved me having "orange tights" on, I'll explain it next week).

Anyway blogs for you to check out this week are 3 blogs which I have followed since the starting the blog. Definately 3 blogs for you to follow.

What is Charlotte's obsessions I hear you cry, now I initally thought it was make up, however I think after reading her latest blog post another obsession is Boyzone!! I love reading Charlotte's blog, her make up is always flawless and I love her writing style- she's always honest. I want to steal her make up collection, and I blame her for getting me hooked on Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish. Charlotte always cheers me up on Twitter if I'm in a bit of a mardy mood too.

Another favourite blog of mine is Ellie's- she's as fab in person as she is on the blog. I had a fab night out with her on the Bloggers Meet Up, and I owe her big style for managing to find me some shoes I'd been obsessing over from New Look. Love her fotd's and she is proof that you can mix and match high end and drug store make up and still look stunning. Like Charlotte, Ellie always cheers me up if I'm being mardy on Twitter. Need to meet up with her again soon.

As the name of Steph's blog suggests its about random beauty rambles. Like Charlotte's and Ellie's blogs I love how she uses a mixture of high end and drug store. One thing which I love is how Steph does comparisons of high end vs drug store brands, which gives you good insight as to whether you want to splash the cash or not. Love love love.

Hope you all have a fab weekend- the Lederhosen will be getting an airing tomorrow night xx

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