Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

The fabulous Laura over at What Laura Loves has kindly awarded me with the Stylish Blogger Award- if you aren't a follower or reader or both of Laura's blog what is wrong with you?? Go check it out now.

With this award comes some RULES:
Thank the person who gave you the award
Share 7 facts about yourself
Give this award to 7 other bloggers

7 Facts About Me.
Tried to do an ootd, however was unable to work the timer on my camera (I love my dress though). Thought it was quite amusing to include though.
  1. JEM is having a baby girl (its now a known fact).
  2. I think I am now having a mid life crisis at the grand old age of 26.
  3. 4 Fat Buddha cocktails and I'm on my back. Actually I am a lightweight.
  4. I'm at that stage where I want a massive career change, or just some general excitment in my life. I think I want to move back into working in retail.
  5. I am fiercely over protective of my friends, especially when in drink- I told some poor boy I was going to fuck with his life if he hurt my friend. I blame the drink for my behaviour.
  6. I want to move away from Durham, but I love the place too much.
  7. I have a very bad laugh- I sound like a dirty old man.
So who to give this award too...

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