Friday, November 12, 2010

October Favourites

I know this is late, however I've just finally had the time to get around to writing this. Really enjoy reading all your monthly favourite posts so I thought I would jump on the bandwagon and do one too.

Crest Whitestrips- I previously did I post on this here and I've been using them roughly once/twice a week (depening if I'm out at the weekend). They work for me, and they've brightened my smile back up.

Spa Deep Cleansing Facial Wipes- I swear by these face wipes- they do a brilliant job of getting all my make up off after a night out. Cheap as chips as well- only 59p from Home Bargains.

Benefit Coralista- I won this from Sabina's giveaway and I've been wearing it everyday for work. Love how versatile this product it- works well with either my au natural pale skin or my bronzed st tropez looked. Really recommend it.

Lush Bubblegum Lip Scrub- I've been using this in conjunction with my medicated chapstick and its keeping my lips in tip top condition. Plus its satisfying my sugar cravings while on this diet haha.

Mac Eyeshadows in Print and Satin Taupe- loving these colours. These together make a brilliant smokey eye. In love.

GOSH Lipstick in Darling- you all know and love it. Nuff said.

Prada Perfume- I like strong smelling perfumes which I know will last and Prada does that. Really nice perfume and if you haven't smelt it before, go get a squirt. Its my wintery perfume :)

Kiehls SPF15 Lipbalm- found this in my drawer at work, only ever use a little bit as I don't really like the smell of it, however it works wonders. A little goes a long way.

Collection 2000 Volumsing Mascara- due to having a manky mouldy contact lense for the last month I've been wearing my glasses for work so I haven't been bothering using any eyeshadow. Just a couple of coats of this makes me look half decent.

Philip Kingsley Hair Elasticizer- WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE. This has drastically improved the condition of my hair and thickened it up. Going to do a proper review of this soon. Also it's helping keep the red in my hair for that little bit longer too.

Kiehls Creme de Corps- Having a bit of a Kiehls love in this month after realsing Fenwicks in Newcastle have a Kiehls concession now. Really good heavy duty cream- a little goes a long way.

I realised that after taking this picture I forgot to add-

Models Own Nude Beige- wearing this colour practically all the time, its my fail safe colour for a night out if i'm unsure what to wear.

St Tropez Mousse- oh how I would be lost without you. Actually I need to get some more so I'm stocked up for Xmas.

Some advice needed- whats the best shampoo/conditioner for dyed red hair?? I've been using Aussie Colour Protect but I want another shampoo to alternate with. Any recomendations??

Hope you're all having a fab Friday xxx

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