Monday, November 15, 2010

Its all about Ray

Hey peeps,

I was tagged by the fabulous Laura to do the its all about me tag :)

The people I tag are..
(please go and check out their blogs)

Vital Statistics:

Me: Ray
Nicknames: Ray, RayBan, Rachy, Rach, Raquelle, Tits Magee (yes you read right)
Birthday: 4th January 1985
Place Of Birth: Durham
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Male or Female: Last time I checked I was a female
Occupation: HR Service Development, Quality and Systems Officer
Residence: Durham
Screen Name: Who is She??

Hair Colour: Red
Hair Length: Long
Eye Colour: Green
Best Feature: My Height??? 
Height: 5ft 10" (yes I am a jolly green giant)
Braces: No
Glasses: Yes but I normally wear contacts
Piercings: Ears 3 times
Tattoos: None
Righty Or Lefty: Righty
Your "Firsts"

First Best Friend: Kirsty
First Award: probably something at primary school for good behaviour
First Sport You Joined: Netball team
First Real Vacation: Majorca
First Concert: the mighty Take That
First Love: hmmm proper love?? don't think I've been in love

Movie: Rocknrolla, or Home Alone
Tv Show: Traffic Cops haha
Colour: pink and purple
Song: New Order- Blue Monday- tuuuunnnneeee
Candy: Skittles
Restaurant: Nandos
Store: Topshop and Selfridges
School: Cornforth Lane
Book: Harry Potter, omg and Sweet Valley High and Babysitters Club (back in the day)
Magazine: Elle, New, Look
Shoes: Uggs


Feeling: narked off
Single or Taken: single :s
Eating: Nothing
Typing: this
Online: yes
Listening to: the hum of my laptop
Thinking about: how I am going to slice my fingers off depotting my Mac eyeshadows
Wanting: to go on holiday
Watching: my life tick away in front of me haha

Want Children?: maybe, I don't know. I like other people's children so I can give them back haha.
Want to be married: If I can find a decent bloke, normally pick the arseholes.
Careers in Mind:  working in HR- Living the dream haha
Where do you want to live: Dubai or America

Have You Ever.
Kissed a Stranger: on nights out?? yeah
Had Alcohol: Yes
Smoked: Yup naughty
Ran Away from home: No
Broken a bone: fractured my elbow
Broken someones heart: I wish
Broken up with someone: Yes
Cried when someone died: Yes!!
Cried at school: Yes

Do you believe in:

God: hmmm
Miracles: yeah.
Love at First Sight: Yes
Ghosts: Yes
Aliens: No
Soul Mates: Yes
Heaven: I don't know
Hell: Don't know
Kissing on the first date: Yeah
Yourself: try too
Half Full or Half Empty: Half full.
So there you go, you may have learnt something about me which you didn't know xxx

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