Friday, November 26, 2010

Going Hoola over Betty Hula

After reading reviews about Betty Hula on so many blogs, I was quite surprised when I had an email asking if little old (key word at the grand old age of 25) moi would like to try some of their products. After some careful consideration (and chatting to JEM) I decided to accept the offer as their products do fit in with the style of  the blog.
Betty Hula state that their products are “handmade using traditional techniques and the finest quality, fairly traded natural ingredients” and the scent definitely reminds me of holidays.
Here’s what I received.
First up is the “Secret” Anti Aging Oil. As I don’t really look my age and so far (touch wood) don’t have lines, I have decided to pass this over to someone older to try… Hi JEM. However even though JEM doesn’t look her age (she’s 75 in case you were wondering), she’s very keen to try this.  I’ve tried this on the back of my hand and even though it’s a “oil” under no circumstances does the product feel greasy. What’s in it- according to the website it’s a secret- who am I to argue with.
I have to admit I love the consistency of the moisturising creams, is very different to anything which I have used before (normally soap and glory/hawaian tropic). Its quite hard to explain- but its “light” if that makes sense. It absorbs right into your skin and the scent lasts all day. Personally my favourite out of the two is “Champagne and Spice”- probably cause it reminds me of Christmas. “Rum and Blackcurrant” is more of a summery scent- not my cup of tea at the moment in -4 freezing temps in Durham.
Would I buy a tub of this in future?? Yes as a treat I would- the packaging is kitch and cute and very girly (I’m a sucker for girly packaging). Price wise £14.99 for a 120ml tub- not too bad.
You can buy Betty Hula online from their website at and if your lucky enough to live in Leeds you can buy the products from Rose & Co.

Please note I was kindly sent these samples from Betty Hula, myself and JEM are not in any way affiliated with this company and/or paid for this review.  All opinions like everything else on the blog are our own.

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