Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just Smile

Now imagine how happy I was last Friday when this little package came in the post for me.

After a month wait- via a detour to Barbados I finally recieved my Crest Whitening Strips- how I have been pining for these.

Now I know some people may be a bit wary about using these however I can't rave enough about them- they really do work. I recieved 28 pouches, each containing an upper and lower strip for your teeth. Realistically this should last you 14 days (30 mins twice a day with each pouch). However I only bleach my teeth twice a week if I am out at the weekend/if I can be bothered, and I only use one pouch per session- I wear the one strip for an hour. So these will last me a good 4-6 months.

Now I will warn you though- it does make your teeth a bit sensitive the day after, and I always brush my teeth with sensitive toothpaste. However normally the sensitivity goes after a couple of hours. You will start to see effects within 2-3 weeks of using them. Also they're completely safe to use and don't damage your teeth- I asked my dentist the other week. Its a cheaper cost effective way to whiten your teeth.

Picture from Google Images.

These aren't avaliable in the UK, and to purchase them I always use ebay and they cost between £18-£22 which isn't bad. If you are interested in buying some, please note that in America Crest have changed the packaging of these, so if you can get these do it.

Remember the giveaway is still open- link is in the side bar xxx

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