Wednesday, October 6, 2010


She's back... and she's brought Shrek along for the ride too.... I love Steph's blog- she's followed from day one, and she is the sweetest thing ever!!!

I’m back, Ess-Jay24, guest blogging for the lovely Ray and struggling to think of something to write about in this post, so will be a total ramble/random post. I hope you don’t mind.

Firstly I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself (*whilst thinking of something to write about*). My name is Steph or some people refer to me as Mini Moss, I’m a shortarse (if you can’t tell on the picture) at a teeny tiny 5 foot. I love anything to do with fashion and beauty, I love the theatre and dancing and I am a workaholic – I hate to admit that but its true. I work for an outdoor company and I’m the boss of the shop which I love, but I am not an ‘outdoor’ person, give me a hotel with a nice hot shower and electric any day over a tent, portaloo and a sleeping bag! I can’t walk in heels which I hate, but I give it a damn good try walking/boogying on a night out with the besties! I am currently saving for a mega, long awaited holiday to Cuba with my gorgeous fella for our 6year anniversary J
I hope this gives you a little idea of who I am and what I enjoy.



Told you it would be random.

I currently have 2 tattoos which I got when I was 17. I have a dolphin (fave animal) on my shoulder and a black heart shape design at the bottom of my back. I would show you pictures but I can’t seem to take pictures of my own back haha! Being a tiny little woman, me having tattoos totally surprises people when they see them; I think they think that I am a wimp – horror movies – yes. Tattoos – a doddle!

Do any of you have tattoos? What have you got?

I want another tattoo, something to do with stars, but haven’t got a clue where to have it or what design to go for, so I thought I would share with you a few designs I have found which I like.

Do you like any of these designs? If you like tattoos that is.
Any websites you think I could check out to have a gander through?
Would love to hear your thoughts :)

Love Steph

If you want to feature on "Who Is She", leave a comment.

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