Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blogger Meet Up

Hey loves, this post was actually supposed to be posted yesterday evening but I've been sick as a dog with a stupid virus (again).

So the big meet up.

I've decided to have it on this weekend as its after the January payday and I know how long January drags money wise with the early pay day in December. So the big date to put in your diaries will be

Saturday 5th - Sunday 6th February

Now after looking at hotel rooms/premier inns etc for Newcastle (£120+ for two sharing) I have decided to host the event in


Now peeps- if you are travelling by train- any Virgin Voyger train which is travelling north stops at Durham, Trans Penine express trains (normally from Liverpool Lime St or Manchester Picadilly) stops at Durham. The only trains which you will have to check whether they stop at Durham is the East Coast Mainline ones (99% of them do). If you book well in advance you can get tickets really cheap.

Hotels in Durham- I would suggest the Premier Inn (Walkergate one)- rooms are only £60 a night for two sharing, however £60 for one isn't bad neither, and its right in the town centre too. Plus if we can all stop in the same hotel, I can't lose any of you (yes I'm in mother hen mode). However if you only want to come for the day or night that's fine.

Now as for the plan, at this moment its up to you where you want to go shopping- we could go to Newcastle, go to the Metro Centre, or stop in Durham on the Saturday (depending on what time people get here for) and then Newcastle or Metro on the Sunday shopping??

For the night out I have decided Durham- those who are familiar with Durham will agree that it is a really good night out. Food wise on the Saturday night I was thinking Fat Buddha (there's a website- check it out)- or there's loads of little restuarants everywhere if you don't like chinese/asian food. Drinking wise- I will show you the sights and sounds of Durham on a Saturday night :) Cocktails in both Fat Buddha and Ebony are to die for!! (I will use my contacts to see what freebies I can get us).

Now thats as far as I have got planned, and I hope you can all come (JEM will be there too). If you are definately interested in coming can you leave me your email addresses in the comments.

I'm far too excited to meet you all xxxx

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