Friday, August 20, 2010

How much Models Own, is too much Models Own?

Today has been a strange old day at work- hardly been able to concentrate, far too excited.


Today was the big day- since the beginning of August Models Own have enlisted all their fans to help them reach 10,000 likes on Facebook, and then as a reward for doing so- a wonderful 50% off all of their products online.

I got into MO from reading Imogen Foxy Locks blog, and then when Boots starting stocking it- well me and JEM would be there all the time buying new polishes. So obviously today was like Christmas for the pair of us.

Managed to put in a big order and with the site crashing a thousand times, we've been able to get another 10 polishes to add to the collection :) Will do a review once I get them, however in the meantime here's my "small" collection.

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